Missing Classmates


Below is a list of Classmates for whom we have no email or postal address.

If you know any of their email addresses, you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site. Or, preferably, you can send us their email address via the "Contact Us" link on the left.

If you know their postal "snail mail" please send it to us so that we can send them an invitation to the Reunion by regular mail. Just use the "Contact Us" link on the left.

Kathleen Ankuda (Duranti)
Roger Balt
Douglas W. Boyd
Edward Feierstein
W. Robert Hamilton
Ronald Houston
Mary Ann Jaskot
Lorraine Kancewicz
Irene Levey
Leonard Price
Diane Sand
Robert Sand
Lily (Evangelia) Sgourou
Michael Siegel
Chris Smith
Jane Thomas
Linda Waneck (Cosgrove)