Not a member?
Find and click on your name.


•   Nancy Jenkins (Conod)  7/15
•   Bette Politt (Eberson)  7/14
•   Nancy Redyke (Wilhelm)  7/8
•   Merle Schlamowitz (Christie)  7/4
•   Maury Wind  7/4
•   Steven Matthews  7/2
•   Kathleen Ceier (Gill)  7/1
•   Robert Campolieto  6/29
•   William James (Davidson)  5/29
•   Frances "Cookie" Ryan (Fairweather)  4/29
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•   Ellen Reap (Browne)  7/27
•   Linda Smith (Scavalla)  7/28
•   Judy Austin (Rooney)  7/30
•   Edward Camp  8/1
•   Thomas Albers  8/2
•   Kathleen Ceier (Gill)  8/2
•   Barbara Swenson (Van Osten)  8/3
•   M. JoAnn Korte (Biercuk)  8/4
•   Carol Barbanel (Bryan)  8/8
•   Karen Silver (Taporowski)  8/8
•   Madeline Randone (Tuminello)  8/9
•   Roberta Tauber (Wilson)  8/9
•   Daniel Frishberg  8/14
•   R. Clark Brinkerhoff  8/15
•   Peter Herman  8/17
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alaska
7 live in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
19 live in California
2 live in Colorado
3 live in Connecticut
2 live in Delaware
1 lives in District Of Columbia
50 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
3 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
3 live in Maine
3 live in Maryland
6 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nevada
125 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
21 live in New York
7 live in North Carolina
5 live in Ohio
10 live in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
6 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
7 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Germany
16 location unknown
116 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the New Web Site for the

Fair Lawn High School Class Of 1962

This website was created to promote, celebrate and reconnect with all members of the Fair Lawn High School class of 1962.  Your participation is essential for it to succeed!  This site is free to all classmates. All of our 1962 Graduates are listed under Classmate Profiles. Please find your name and register your information. For all other alumni, friends, and teachers, there is a Guest Members section at the end of the Classmates Profiles to add your name or the name of someone else. Contact Us and it will be added.

We need your photos updates, and memories to enhance this site as well as to make certain it represents all members of the Fair Lawn High School class of 1962 .  Even if you haven't attended a reunion nor kept in touch since graduation, we ask that you take the time to update your profile and maybe submit a photo or two.  We're certain your fellow classmates would love hearing from you!  And, you may reconnect with an old friend.  Your submission will make this site fun, interesting and complete. So add your own personal touch and see what happens.

Please visit the Missing Classmates link and add information that you might have. Not all of our classmates have e-mails or Facebook, but most do. Contact all you can and let them know about us, or click on their names and add their e-mails and an invitation will be sent to them to join us. If you have special search skills or resources please help us let others know we are here.

The In Memory link is available for information on those classmates who have died. If you know of a link to a memory website or obituary, it can also be included.

First Time User?

The first thing to do is join the website so you can read your classmates' "Profiles"--which are biographies submitted by each individual, which can include photos from your past as well as current. These can include family, trips, etc, anything to let the rest of us know what you have done, as well as what you are now doing.

To do this, look to the upper right corner of this page and click on the JOIN HERE link. This is the same as clicking on the "Classmate Profiles" link in the upper left column.

From there, look for and click on your name.

If you are the person listed, click on JOIN HERE!  to create your login. You will have a five step series of questions to answer that not only "join" you, but also get you started on your profile. After you join, you can return at anytime to update your profile and add photos, etc.

This can be easy to forget.

Let us all know about yourself, your family, your life — whatever you like. You can even add your own photographs and links to online videos!

If you know of anyone who has not joined the reunion website, you can click on their name on the "Classmate Profile" page and, instead of joining, enter their email address to send them an invitation to join.  You may also use the "-Missing Classmates-" box in the bottom right column. 

Once you join, you can update your profile with news about yourself and pictures you want to share.

To Update Your Profile

On the left hand side of the home page you will see a section called "Member Functions".  Select "Edit Profile" from the list, and it will take you to the place where you can update your profile.

 Remember -- you only share what you want to share, see the bottom of your profile for privacy options.


Please visit often, as there are changes made frequently -- if nothing else, "This Day In History" over on the right hand side of the page changes on a daily basis!


If you have any questions and/or comments, just send us an email via the "Contact Us" tab listed at the top of this window. 



Privacy Note:(This website is provided courtesy of the class of '62 and is password protected, so our content will remain secure. All contact information address, phone number, e-mail address entered into this website will be kept confidential and will not be shared or distributed. You get to decide if you want your information even seen by others, your contact information is private. Your e-mail address can only be seen by the Webmaster and Site Administrators.)